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Node.js compatibility

When you write a Worker, you may need to import packages from npm. Many npm packages rely on APIs from the Node.js runtime, and will not work unless these Node.js APIs are available.

Cloudflare Workers provides a subset of Node.js APIs in two forms:

  1. As built-in APIs provided by the Workers Runtime
  2. As polyfills that Wrangler adds to your Worker’s code

You can view which APIs are supported using the Node.js compatability matrix.

Get Started

To enable both built-in runtime APIs and polyfills for your Worker, add the nodejs_compat_v2 compatibility flag to your wrangler.toml:

compatibility_flags = [ "nodejs_compat_v2" ]

To only enable built-in runtime APIs, add the nodejs_compat compatibility flag to your wrangler.toml:

compatibility_flags = [ "nodejs_compat" ]

Built-in Node.js Runtime APIs

The following APIs from Node.js are provided directly by the Workers Runtime. They are available when using nodejs_compat or nodejs_compat_v2:

Node.js APIs are available under the node: prefix, and this prefix must be used when importing modules, both in your code and the npm packages you depend on.

// Do this:
import { Buffer } from "node:buffer";
// Do not do this:
import { Buffer } from "buffer";

Unless otherwise specified, implementations of Node.js APIs in Workers are intended to match the implementation in the Current release of Node.js.

Node.js API Polyfills

When using the nodejs_compat_v2 compatability flag, in addition to enabling Node.js APIs in the Workers Runtime, Wrangler will use unenv to automatically detect uses of Node.js APIs, and add polyfills where relevant.

Adding polyfills maximizes compatibility with existing npm packages, while recognizing that not all APIs from Node.js make sense in the context of serverless functions.

Where it is possible to provide a fully functional polyfill of the relevant Node.js API, unenv will do so. In cases where this is not possible, such as the fs, unenv adds a module with mocked methods. Calling these mocked methods will either noop or will throw an error with a message like:

[unenv] <method name> is not implemented yet!

This allows you to import packages that use these Node.js modules, even if certain methods are not supported.

For a full list of APIs supported, including information on which are mocked, see the Node.js compatability matrix.

Enable Node.js with Workers

Add the nodejs_compat compatibility flag to your wrangler.toml:

compatibility_flags = [ "nodejs_compat_v2" ]

Enable Node.js in Pages Functions

Enable Node.js in Pages with Wrangler

To enable nodejs_compat in local development, pass the --compatibility-flags argument with the nodejs_compat flag to wrangler pages dev:

Terminal window
npx wrangler pages dev [<DIRECTORY>] --compatibility-flags="nodejs_compat"

For additional options, refer to the list of Pages-specific CLI commands.

Enable Node.js in Pages from the Cloudflare dashboard

To enable Node.js for your Pages Function from the Cloudflare dashboard:

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard and select your account.
  2. Select Workers & Pages and in Overview, select your Pages project.
  3. Select Settings > Functions > Compatibility Flags.
  4. Add the nodejs_compat_v2 compatibility flag to your Preview and Production deployments.

Enable only AsyncLocalStorage

To enable the Node.js AsyncLocalStorage API only, use the nodejs_als compatibility flag.

compatibility_flags = [ "nodejs_als" ]