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You must generate an Access Key before getting started. All examples will utilize access_key_id and access_key_secret variables which represent the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key values you generated.

With rclone installed, you may run rclone config to configure a new S3 storage provider. You will be prompted with a series of questions for the new provider details.

If you have already configured rclone in the past, you may run rclone config file to print the location of your rclone configuration file:

rclone config file
# Configuration file is stored at:

Then use an editor (nano or vim, for example) to add or edit the new provider. This example assumes you are adding a new r2demo provider:

type = s3
provider = Cloudflare
access_key_id = abc123
secret_access_key = xyz456
endpoint = https://<accountid>
acl = private

You may then use the new rclone provider for any of your normal workflows.

List buckets & objects

The rclone tree command can be used to list the contents of the remote, in this case Cloudflare R2.

Terminal window
rclone tree r2demo:
# /
# ├── user-uploads
# │ └── foobar.png
# └── my-bucket-name
# ├── cat.png
# └── todos.txt
rclone tree r2demo:my-bucket-name
# /
# ├── cat.png
# └── todos.txt

Upload and retrieve objects

The rclone copy command can be used to upload objects to an R2 bucket and vice versa - this allows you to upload files up to the 5 TB maximum object size that R2 supports.

Terminal window
# Upload dog.txt to the user-uploads bucket
rclone copy dog.txt r2demo:user-uploads/
rclone tree r2demo:user-uploads
# /
# ├── foobar.png
# └── dog.txt
# Download dog.txt from the user-uploads bucket
rclone copy r2demo:user-uploads/dog.txt .

A note about multipart upload part sizes

For multipart uploads, part sizes can significantly affect the number of Class A operations that are used, which can alter how much you end up being charged. Every part upload counts as a separate operation, so larger part sizes will use fewer operations, but might be costly to retry if the upload fails. Also consider that a multipart upload is always going to consume at least 3 times as many operations as a single PutObject, because it will include at least one CreateMultipartUpload, UploadPart & CompleteMultipartUpload operations.

Balancing part size depends heavily on your use-case, but these factors can help you minimize your bill, so they are worth thinking about.

You can configure rclone’s multipart upload part size using the --s3-chunk-size CLI argument. Note that you might also have to adjust the --s3-upload-cutoff argument to ensure that rclone is using multipart uploads. Both of these can be set in your configuration file as well. Generally, --s3-upload-cutoff will be no less than --s3-chunk-size.

Terminal window
rclone copy long-video.mp4 r2demo:user-uploads/ --s3-upload-cutoff=100M --s3-chunk-size=100M

Generate presigned URLs

You can also generate presigned links which allow you to share public access to a file temporarily using the rclone link command.

Terminal window
# You can pass the --expire flag to determine how long the presigned link is valid. The --unlink flag isn't supported by R2.
rclone link r2demo:my-bucket-name/cat.png --expire 3600
# https://<accountid><credential>&X-Amz-Date=<timestamp>&X-Amz-Expires=3600&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=<signature>